Integral Ecology

Integral ecology highlights the intrinsic interconnectedness among environmental, economic, political, social, cultural and ethical realities. It requires a comprehensive vision to address what are simultaneously environmental and human crises.

In the words of Pope Francis, “The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together; we cannot adequately combat environment degradation unless we attend to causes related to human and social degradation. . . . The gravest effects . . . on the environment are suffered by the poorest.”
Laudato Si’, #48

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, alongside our Affiliates and Partners, embrace integral ecology as a way of life. We are guided on this journey by the  following words from the Acts of the 35th General Chapter:

We, Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, believe that the call of our lives is rising from the voice of God and from the voice of the world today. The call is radical, compelling and urgent; our response must be daring!

We hear the cries of a planet and of persons who cannot breathe. With hearts attuned to Earth, our Common Home, and to the human longing for community, solidarity and justice, we hear the cry of God’s people, near and far, suffering isolation, exclusion and racism in its diverse expressions world-wide. Conscious of these realities, in what ways will we seek forgiveness and reconciliation? What risks are we willing to take?

Weighed down by economic inequality, people hunger for a just distribution of the goods of this world. This impels us to examine our security and abundance in light of this reality and of the call of Laudato Si. So we ask, how shall we act?

We commit ourselves to:

  • Deepen our consciousness of and capacity to live our oneness and interdependence with the whole Earth community.
  • Be a catalyst in creating new forms of community and partnerships that embrace integral ecology as a way of life.

— The text on this page has been extracted from:
     An Urgent Call, A Daring Response, Acts of the 35th General Chapter 2021

Laudato Si' Reflections and Action Plan

We are pleased to share with you two documents created by our Congregational Guiding Committee for Laudato Si’ and Integral Ecology. The documents have been posted on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) website, demonstrating our solidarity with all the organizations and individuals who have publicly shared reflections, plans, and resources through the platform.

This first document, required by those who sign on to the LSAP, uses our Chapter Acts to deeply reflect on our SNJM journey towards integral ecology:

The second document is our Action Plan for 2023 and 2024 which was reviewed and affirmed at the SNJM Leadership Teams Assembly this year: