Responsible Investment

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) believe that the investment of our funds should be socially and environmentally responsible.

To achieve our goals, SNJMs have adopted a multifaceted approach that is consistent with our mission of promoting justice, peace and the integrity of creation. We invest in companies that:

  • Promote world peace through the production of non-military goods and services;
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to global ecological issues;
  • Promote fair employment practices with a special concern for women;
  • Produce life supportive goods and services that benefit the health and welfare of their employees and consumers;
  • Maintain social, environmental and governance practices that promote the common good.

Our Corporate Stands on water, human trafficking, migrants and refugees serve as a catalyst for corporate actions we take.

SNJMs collaborate with religious congregations and other organizations to participate in dialogue and shareholder advocacy with corporations. We carry out our corporate responsibility with many partners including ShareHolder Associ­ation for Research & Education (SHARE), Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment (NWCRI), Regroupement pour la responsabilité sociale des entre­prises (RRSE) and the Interfaith Center for Responsible Investment (ICCR).

Discover a concrete example.