How to Collaborate with SNJMs

As human beings, we search for meaning in life. Each of us seeks to undestrand and live our specific and unique role in this world, desiring to make the world a better place for all.

As an SNJM Sister

As Christians, we believe that God calls each person to live our Christian commitment in a variety of ways: as a married person, a single person or as a religious sister or brother. As religious, we live our call and mission in community.

When a person discovers and lives her/his calling in life, there is a sense of peace and wholeness.

How do you think God is calling you at this moment in your life? Could it be as a religious? Could it be as an SNJM religious?

If you are interested in knowing more about what it means to be a religious, and possibly an SNJM religious in these times, please refer to the SNJM Province Site that is associated with your geographical area. (Lesotho Province | Manitoba Province | Quebec Province | U.S.-Ontario Province).

The evolution of religious life in recent decades has led to the emergence of many forms of commitment to a congregation, commitments which resonate with its values ​​and charism.

Other Forms of Commitment

Today, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM), recognizes three specific forms of relationships: associates, lay consecrated and coopérantes, all of which are included in the term “affiliates.” Each is a distinct form of relationship, though connected in spirit and intent, and include close bonds.

The common overarching term “affiliates” indicates and underscores these bonds that connect and unite all of us and is expressive of the communion that sustains our lives as sisters and affiliates in our SNJM mission.

As an SNJM Associate

This form of commitment was recognized at the 28th General Chapter of the Congregation held in 1986. Associates are men and women who share the values, mission and charism of the Congregation. Associates pronounce their commitment through public promises, either annually or otherwise, according to the traditions of their respective Province. They make a commitment to live the SNJM spirituality in their daily lives and are active in their areas with the values ​​and charism of the Congregation at heart.

Those interested in living this type of commitment are accompanied by a process of reflection and discernment over several months. Each entity (province) truly values the presence of associates. There are nearly 600 worldwide. For more information, contact the person responsible in your area by referring to the Provincial website corresponding to your place of residence (Lesotho Province | Manitoba Province | Quebec Province | U.S.-Ontario Province).

As a Consecrated Layperson

For the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM), this form of commitment dates back to the late 1990s. It entails making a private vow of chastity in celibacy in relation to the Congregation.

A number of women have made this commitment, expressing a desire to give their lives to Christ and to collaborate with the mission of the Congregation while living in the world as a single or widowed person. For SNJMs, this form of affiliation exists in the Quebec Province and the United States-Ontario Province. The process of preparation for this type of commitment requires a period of reflection and discernment with designated SNJM sisters. If you are interested in lay consecration, you may contact any one of the provinces.

As a coopérante  (persons with international commitments)

The birth of this special relationship with the congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) dates back to 2006. It is the response to a need expressed by lay women who have lived and ministered in countries other than in North America, with or without SNJM.

These women wanted to come together to share their experiences, support one another and keep the sense of international interest alive. The presence of some SNJM sisters in the group was of key importance to the group from the outset.

While their commitment is not expressed formally through promises or vows, coopérantes renew their commitment each year to live especially the key value selected by them as a group for the upcoming year. Central to their values is the focus on the corporate stands of the congregation, especially with regards to women.

For more information, contact the Province of Quebec.