Sensitive to the issue of immigration and racism-related crises for many years, the Acts of Chapter 2011 invited the congregation to step up its action to “collaborate with immigrants, refugees and indigenous peoples to resist racism, defend the rights of human beings and create host communities.” *
The SNJM Justice and Peace Network then prepared an information document outlining the situation on the migratory crisis, the causes and the possible solutions. Following an awareness, analysis and reflection process, in May 2017 we adopted our corporate stand on migrant and refugee people.
In the spirit of the Acts of the 34th General Chapter, held in 2016, we have clearly expressed our desire to:
- Work with the people and organizations in our regions who serve immigrants and refugees to defend their rights and meet their most pressing needs.
- Seek the formation of meaningful relationships with refugees or immigrants, individuals, families or groups, to understand their reality, to be touched by their experiences, to be aware of their needs and to respond appropriately.
- Be on the lookout for educational opportunities that increase our sensitivity and understanding of the causes that pull people away from their homes, causes which lead to economic disparities between people, human trafficking, violence perpetrated by governments and the destruction of the Earth.