Prayer - 40th Anniversary of the Beatification of Marie-Rose Durocher
A Double Portion of Her Spirit: A Bold Request?
SNJM Prayer in Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Beatification of Mother Marie-Rose
Scripture Prologue
Standing by the Jordan, Elijah took his mantle and rolled it up, and struck the water; the water was parted to the one side and to the other, until he and Elisha crossed on dry ground. When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what I may do for you, before I am taken from you.” Elisha said, “Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.”
Elijah responded, “You have asked a hard thing. … ” As they continued walking and talking, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlwind into heaven.
Elisha picked up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. When the company of prophets who were at Jericho saw him at a distance, they declared, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” (2 Kings 2.7b, 8,9, 10a, 11, 13)

Mother Marie-Rose – Artist: Annette Chouinard-Dubois
Dare we ask of you, ever generous God, a double portion of the spirit of Marie-Rose, a woman of her times, a woman for our times? Dare we place her mantle on our shoulders and set out, once again?
How are we to grasp the measure of her spirit? How are we to measure up to the commitment it requires? A spirit of deep faith, in a world in search of meaning;
A spirit of sure hope, in the midst of a fractured world;
A spirit of ardent love, in a world of exclusion and prejudice;
And a spirit of true joy, in a world weighed down in sorrow!
Yes, bounteous God of all,
we ask you to place within us the indomitable spirit
of Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher.
We need a double portion of her spirit,
her audacious spirit of casting the fire of your love,
so that, from the depths of our own vulnerability,
we may act with the same faith, hope, love and joy
“in a world which today,
as yesterday
is searching and ever hopeful
for the future.” (Constitutions # 7)
Lorna Cooney, SNJM | 2022
The prayer is also available in Español, French, Sesotho and Portuguese.
Prayer - 38th Anniversary of the Beatification of Marie-Rose Durocher
Mother Marie-Rose, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM), was beatified in Rome by John Paul II on May 23, 1982, and was given the name Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher. In this way, the Church acknowledged her as a woman totally fulfilled in God.
On this day, we delight in praying to her with joy and thanksgiving.
Blessed Marie-Rose
Blessed Marie-Rose, woman in search of God,
You did not seek “the heights”
But in the simplicity of your days, you were able to please our God .
Blessed are you by God!
Blessed Marie-Rose, woman with heart on fire,
Through the gift of your life and the radiance of your presence,
You planted life and light in the hearts of all who met you.
Blessed are you by God!
Blessed Marie-Rose, woman of mission,
You saw the needs of your time and heard the call;
Risking change to sow new life.
Blessed are you by God!
Blessed Marie-Rose, woman of tenderness,
You “took the children by the hand
In order to lead them towards tomorrow.”
Blessed are you by God!
Blessed Marie-Rose, woman of hope,
You are ever alive in our midst.
Give us strength and courage for our journey.
Blessed are you by God!
We pray:
Blessed Marie-Rose, you who have found grace before God, intercede for us.
Obtain for us the audacity of Faith, the simplicity of Hope and the power of Love.
Source : Centre Marie-Rose, May 2020
Prayer for Canonization
God our Creator, we ask you to manifest the holiness of your faithful servant
Marie-Rose Durocher,
by extraordinary signs so that the Church may proclaim her a saint and call upon her as a public witness to Christian life based on the Gospel.
Remember her heroic virtues as the foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, her zeal for Christian education, her love for Jesus and Mary.
Remember her great love for You, O God, and graciously grant the favors we confidently ask through her intercession.
Daily Prayer
Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher obtain for us today
the audacity of FAITH,
the simplicity of HOPE,
the power of LOVE so that we may actualize the word of Jesus:
“I have come to cast fire on the earth.
How I wish that fire were blazing already!”
(Luke 12,49)
Prayer for Our Families
Marie-Rose Durocher,
You who loved children and wanted couples and families
to be happy,
be present in their everyday life Intercede with Jesus and Mary
so that by communication and mutual respect they reach a union of hearts.
Prayer for the Sick
Marie-Rose Durocher,
you knew the limits of frail health
and you loved the sick you visited very much. lntercede with Jesus and Mary
so that people who suffer find comfort
and remain courageous in their trial.
Prayer for Joy
Marie-Rose Durocher,
you remained serene in difficulties because you knew you were loved by God.
Intercede with Jesus and Mary
so that we may know how to welcome life with wisdom and gratitude.
May we be filled with joy and may it radiate on others.
Prayer for Commitment
Marie-Rose Durocher,
you who knew so well how to speak about God, more than anything, you wanted
to kindle the fire of Love on the earth. ln our everyday commitments,
obtain for us from Jesus and Mary , the grace of living the Gospel
and of revealing the face of God.
Prayer for Youth
Marie-Rose Durocher,
you founded your congregation
for the education of children.
Look on our young people with love.
Accompany them in their formation.
May your intercession with Jesus and Mary
obtain for them the desire to live
and express their values.
Prayer for Peace
Marie-Rose Durocher,
you who were so attentive
to the society of your time,
see the suffering of our world.
Intercede for us with Jesus and Mary
so that peace
may reign in our hearts
and among nations.
Prayer for Confidence
Marie-Rose Durocher,
you have known our times of uncertainty, of criticism and of material difficulties.
Far from being discouraged,
you trusted in God’s “providence.”
ln the battles of life,
obtain for us from Jesus and Mary, strength , courage and confidence .
Prayer for Love
Marie-Rose Durocher,
in all your relationships,
you knew how to welcome, listen to,
and give importance to each person.
You favoured pardon and reconciliation.
Obtain for us from Jesus and Mary, the grace of loving others
and of considering them with respect and attention.