Triduum and Easter 2020

Easter Sunday 2020 - Virtual Gathering by Zoom

Sisters in Lesotho leading a song, L-R: Francisca Khooa, SNJM, Leonia Khechane, SNJM, Pascalina Thoahlaka, SNJM and Ernestina Matjelo, SNJM.

On Easter Sunday 2020, during the coronavirus lockdown, SNJMs experienced their first-ever Congregational celebration via Zoom. More than 200 Sisters and Affiliates joined from Canada, Peru, Lesotho and the U.S. The barriers of isolation and distance melted away as Sisters took turns leading prayers and songs from several different locations. There was even a virtual “passing of the peace” as participants scrolled through all the smiling faces on their screens, waving at one another. The celebration concluded with each person illuminating her own candle, then lifting the light to shine in celebration of the risen Christ.

Click here to view the recording of the gathering.

Screenshots from Virtual Gathering