In addition to the playground with its equipment, flower, fruit and vegetable gardens and animals, the SNJM property includes the cemetery and the oratory of the Virgin Mary.
Few written records tell the story of the presence of this oratory to the Blessed Virgin. However, photographs of the backyard confirm that it was moved from time to time. As can be seen in the photo on the poster, it is present in the playground. Then it appears in the cemetery. A deliberation of the local council in April 1922 indicates that the oratory will be rebuilt after being blown away by the wind, without however indicating its new location.
Derived from the Latin word “orare”, the term oratory refers to prayer. This name refers to a place dedicated to prayer. It can take various forms: monument, room or small building. Dedicated to a saint or to the Virgin Mary, the oratory calls the passer-by, the pilgrim or the resident to prayer or, quite simply, to take time to reflect.
The presence of an oratory to the Virgin Mary on the grounds of the SNJM is quite natural. Already by the name of the congregation, we understand the piety to the Virgin Mary. Mother Marie-Rose, the foundress of the congregation, had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin. She prayed to her regularly. This fervor towards the Virgin Mary within the congregation is manifested in several ways, notably by the renewal of the vows of the nuns on December 8, the day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.