People have been praying to Mother Marie-Rose since her death on October 6, 1849. They ask her to intervene to help them in various situations. The favors, intercessions and protections are many and varied. Among the “miracles” attributed to Mother Marie-Rose, we frequently find those related to fire protection. The best-known miracle is that of Benjamin Modzel…
Anyone who has witnessed a miracle obtained by praying to Mother Marie-Rose is invited to contact the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) or to leave a message in the box identified for this purpose at the Marie-Rose chapel in the Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue Co-Cathedral in Longueuil. The religious keep an annual record of favors received in a notebook. The first such booklet was produced in 1941 and bears witness to the protections obtained since 1850.
Several prayers addressed to Mother Marie-Rose can be found on the SNJM website.