Few organizations today do not have a logo or a visual signature to represent them. In the last few centuries, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, we used to talk about coats of arms and seals. Large families, bishops and religious congregations, in particular, were accustomed to displaying distinctive coats of arms to identify them. The coat of arms was a representation of symbols that could illustrate their mission and the inscription of a significant thought (today, we would speak of a slogan).
The originality or at least the great sentimental value of the coat of arms of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) rests on the certainty that its constituent elements were chosen by the foundress, Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher. Writings in the Chronicles of the SNJM report “the plan of this picture was drawn by our late Mother Foundress, which makes it all the more precious.”
Sketched a little before and during the year 1849, the painting, containing the main elements of the future coat of arms and seal, was completed by several hands. Illness prevented Mother Marie-Rose and the religious-artist Sr. Marie du Sacré-Coeur (Clotilde Dupuy) from completing it, so a group of novices and Mother Marie-Agnès took up the torch in 1851. When it was finally completed, the painting was presented to Mother Véronique-du-Crucifix, 2nd Superior General on the occasion of her patronal feast day, July 9, 1852. All the relevant elements were taken from it to create the seal which was formalized by a legal act on October 7, 1854. This official document establishes the seal of the corporation in these terms:
“Shall be the effigy of the Savior’s cross adorned with a lily, having at the top of said seal the words: JESUS AND MARY, and in the exergue, at the bottom of the seal, the words: MY STRENGTH AND MY GLORY.”
To discover all the elements of the painting that inspired the SNJM family crest, a visit to the Marie-Rose Centre, where it is displayed, is a must.