A space for the pharmacist

SNJM Memory Lane All the way to a cannery!

In a small volume entitled Coutumier which records the different ways of acting in the Congregation, we find a chapter which deals with the role of the gardener and the relevance of reserving a space for the pharmacist.

The gardener […] will cultivate the garden with more intelligence [to] obtain more profit from it. She will keep the garden in the best possible order, so that the sisters can go there to relax pleasantly.

 [… In addition], a space in the garden is reserved for the pharmacist; […] she will cultivate a small garden to obtain the herbs and plants that go into the medicine.” [1]  

[1] Potvin, Lucille, snjm. « Les jardins du Couvent de Longueuil », Bulletin de la Société d’histoire de Longueuil, no 19, Septembre 2007, page 2