A source of spiritual and artistic inspiration

Expo – Marie-Rose Expo – Educational mission

Mother Marie-Rose created this seal, also known as the coat of arms. The seal is of great sentimental value for all the sisters of the Congregation, knowing that “the design was created by our late Mother Foundress, which makes it all the more precious.”

Nowadays, we speak of visual identities, logos, and visual signatures illustrating an organization’s mission and values. The SNJM seal displays the key elements of the picture sketched by the founder. Formalized by a legal act on October 7, 1854, it has its own graphic charter for use in color or otherwise.

The concept is described as follows: “Azure, with a golden Latin cross set in a rock, adorned with a climbing lily bearing three flowers. On two ribbons, one above, the other below the shield, is inscribed the motto: “JESUS AND MARY, MY STRENGTH AND MY GLORY.”

It’s easy to see why it has been a source of inspiration for so many people, especially the sisters. The seal has been painted on porcelain, silk (monstrance veil | humeral veil), embossed leather or wood, as seen in this showcase. It has also been depicted on medals, clocks and stained glass.

Another example on wood, written in Sesotho, was created to celebrate an anniversary of the SNJM’s presence in Lesotho, a small landlocked country in Southern Africa.

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