“All migrants are entitled to equal protection of all their human rights. These principles are enshrined in the Global Pact for safe, ordered and regular migrations. (…) On this International Day, I urge leaders and people everywhere to bring the Global Pact to life, so that migration works for all.” UN Secretary-General António Guterres
A more relevant message than ever in 2020, in the midst of a health crisis that is affecting vulnerable populations even more severely.
This International Migrants Day is an opportunity to become aware that migration has always existed. There are many reasons for such migration: study abroad, family unification, improvement of living conditions and livelihoods. There are also situations imposed by violence, conflict, persecution, discrimination, poverty, natural disasters and environmental degradation.
This growing phenomenon imposes challenges and difficulties in complex and sometimes urgent contexts. They “require enhanced cooperation and collective action among countries and regions,” the United Nations emphasizes.
A report on the situation in 2020 is available in English only. To learn more about the migration phenomenon and discover a video clip and various resources, click on this link.
Let us recall that Pope Francis delivered several video messages on the situation of migrants, including this one entitled “It is not just about migrants. It’s also about our fears.”
International Migrants Day was made official by the United Nations on December 4, 2000. More information can be found on the International Organization for Migration (IOM) website.