Portland Affiliates Gather with Friends

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On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Portland area Affiliates met on Zoom for their monthly gathering. The group included two Associates from The Dalles, OR and two from Cottage Grove, OR. Discussions covered the American bishops’ 2018 document “Open Wide Our Hearts,” the book The New Jim Crow and a proposed constitutional amendment regarding modern slavery, which is co-sponsored by Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley. The group welcomed a new Associate, Mary O’Reilly, who lives at Mary’s Woods. After reading her promises, Mary was asked to lead the rest of the group in renewing their own promises, since some were unable to join the Province-wide Zoom gathering on Saturday.

Christine Weber-Kearney, Associate (Marylhurst) shared this article about the proposed Abolition Amendment, which would remove constitutional language permitting incarcerated people to be used as cheap or free labor. Robert Weber-Kearney, Associate (Marylhurst) is composing a letter of support to Sen. Merkley; six Associates have added their names and others are welcome to do so by contacting Robert at robertjameswk@gmail.com. He plans to mail the letter on Dec. 15.

  • Top row, L-R: Robert Weber-Kearney, Associate and Christine Weber-Kearney, Associate; Delphine Busch, Associate; Province Directory representing those who were absent; LaVerne Brown, Associate.
  • Second row, L-R: Nancy Gast, Associate and Lay Consecrated; Frodo Okulam, Associate; Agnes Leistico, Associate; Leonard Kulawiec, Associate. 
  • Third row, L-R: Mary O’Reilly, Associate; Constance Hammond, Associate; Mary Beth Thouvenel, Associate; Ruth Cutler, Associate.
  • Bottom row, L-R: Charlotte Iven, Associate; Connie Green, Associate.
  • Present but not pictured: Therese Fenzl, Associate and Lay Consecrated; Jean Gent, SNJM; Pia Welch, Associate.