Young people tackle the issues of human trafficking, access to water and immigrants

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SNJM Youth Justice Forum – 3rd Edition

Longueuil, Quebec, Canada – July 13, 2015 – what do trafficking in human beings, the right to water and the situation of migrants have in common? All three issues are at the centre of the Third SNJM Youth Justice Forum which will take place from 15 through 20 of July at Durocher College in Saint-Lambert, on Montréal’s South Shore. 40 students from Lesotho, United States and Canada, have given up a part of their summer holidays to come to grips with and act on these key challenges to humanity.

The participants, female students from 13 schools affiliated to the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM), will be sharing their thoughts and knowledge with experts in each of the theme areas. The Forum has proven itself a real vehicle for intercultural and intergenerational solidarity by engaging young women between the ages of 15 and 17.

More engaged citizens

Organized by the Justice and Peace Network of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, this will be the third such Forum. The international component of the meeting will allow young women from various parts of the world to inspire one another and to become more involved in world affairs. “We hope to create links that will propel the students beyond their normal horizons to create more engaged citizens, citizens that are very conscious of the ideals of justice and peace upheld by our community. The Forum is also intended to pass on to young people the passion for others that was expressed by our foundress, Mother Marie-Rose”, explained Yvonne Massicotte, SNJM, Administrative Coordinator of the SNJM Justice and Peace Network.

In addition, Forum participants will share the experience of volunteering with various charitable organizations. These same young women from very different countries will also take up the challenge of organizing some sort of social action upon their return home.

Immigration, the traffic in human beings and the right to water… on the agenda:
The 2015 Youth Forum will be a veritable plunge into learning more about the realities facing migrants, a theme that will be dealt with on the opening day of the Forum. The other days will deal with two other global themes, the traffic in human beings and the right to safe drinking water about which the Congregation has taken clear positions.

In addition, Forum participants will share the experience of volunteering with various charitable organizations. These same young women from very different countries will also take up the challenge of organizing some sort of social action upon their return home.

Follow them on Facebook

To know more about the programming of the activities, to encourage the participants or just to follow their personal and collective experiences, all you need to do is to consult the SNJM Youth Justice Forum Facebook Page.

More about the SNJM Youth Justice Forum

The SNJM Youth Justice Forum is an international extracurricular activity developed in 2009 to promote collaboration between young people in the common effort to combat injustices and to work for the betterment of the world. It involves students from SNJM founded secondary schools.

About the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) is an international community of Catholic women religious. In their mission, the SNJMs act with the cooperation of associates, lay consecrated persons, volunteers, colleagues and friends. Founded in 1843 in Longueuil, QC, Canada, the congregation carries out its mission of education on three continents. Visit